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How to Make SMS Gateway Using Gammu and Wammu in Ubuntu

Gammu and Wammu. Gammu is Command line utility which allows to use all libGammu features and Wammu is GUI program to manage contacts, todos, calendar and messages in your phone.

#1 Gammu installation
type this command to install
sudo apt-get install gammu

#2 Gammu configuration
open terminal then type this command to detect the phone

*result :

[ 807.511755] cdc_acm 5-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
[ 807.514290] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
[ 807.514296] cdc_acm: v0.26:USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters

the port is ttyACM0

and then type

P Port (/dev/ttyACM0)
C Connection (at19200)
M Model (auto)
D Synchronize time (no)
F Log file ()
O Log format (nothing)
L Use locking ()
G Gammu localisation ()

leave all settings like above then save

#3 Wammu installation
type this command to install
sudo apt-get install wammu

#4 Wammu configuration
1. connect the phone
2. open wammu menu > phone wizzard > next
3. select automatically search for a phone > next
4. usb cable > next
5. wait until phone detected then select from list then press ok
6. connect phone to wammu (open wammu then select phone menu then connect)
7. to compose sms please begin with country code (exp : +62xxx xxxx xxxx)

#5 Reference

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]

Bagaimana Cara Membuat SMS Gateway Menggunakan Gammu dan Wammu di Ubuntu

Gammu dan Wammu. Gammu adalah aplikasi berbasis command line yg memungkinkan untuk menggunakan library dari wammu dan Wammu adalah aplikasi berbasis GUI untuk melakukan pengaturan pesan dll.

#1 Instalasi gammu
ketik perintah ini
apt-get install gammu

#2 Konfigurasi gammu
buka terminal kemudian ketik

*hasilnya :
[ 807.511755] cdc_acm 5-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
[ 807.514290] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
[ 807.514296] cdc_acm: v0.26:USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
portnya adalah ttyACM0  

kemudian ketik

P Port (/dev/ttyACM0)
C Connection (at19200)
M Model (auto)
D Synchronize time (no)
F Log file ()
O Log format (nothing)
L Use locking ()
G Gammu localisation ()

biarkan semua setting seperti itu kemudian save

#3 Instalasi wammu
ketik perintah berikut
apt-get install wammu

#4 konfigurasi wammu
1. koneksikan ponsel
2. buka menu wammu > phone wizzard > next
3. pilih automatically search for a phone > next
4. usb cable > next
5. tunggu sampe ponsel terdeteksi kemudian pilih dari daftar kemudian tekan ok
6. koneksikan ponsel ke wammu (buka wammu kemudian pilih menu phone kemudian connect)
7. untuk menulis sms silahkan mulai dengan kode negara (exp : +62xxx xxxx xxxx)

#5 Referensi

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

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