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Audio Video Interleave
video file standard from microsoft


Advanced Audio Distribution Profile
teknologi u mengirmkan musik berkualitas stereo scr wireless

Nokia Communicator Remote Locking

Select Desk | Tools | Control panel | Security | Telephone security.
On Device lock change Allow remote locking then press Yes.
Enter remote code then OK.
In Remote locking message dialog, enter message to lock the phone
follow the wizard | Done.

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[ indonesian translation ]

Mengunci Jarak Jauh Nokia Communicator

pilih Desk | Tools | Control panel | Security | Telephone security.
pada Device lock ubah Allow remote locking terus pilih Yes.
masukan kode remote terus OK.
pada Remote locking message dialog, masukkan pesan untuk mengunci desktop
konfirmasi lagi terus Done.

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

Nokia Communicator Hard Reset

Restart comni, if you don't have restarter application, release the battery then insert battery and then switch it on
When NOKIA appears, press SHIFT+CTRL+F until FORMAT appears
Press YES.. format process will run
Wait until it finished
New Communicator for you is coming.. he he..

Notes :
please remove MMC before doing this process
and if you want to format MMC, please do it after process
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[ indonesian translation ]

Hard Reset pada Nokia Communicator

restart commi, kalau gak punya program restarter (buat reset device), copot batre kemudian pasang lagi terus nyalakan commi nya...
ketika muncul tulisan NOKIA, tekan SHIFT+CTRL+F beberapa kali.. sampe ada tulisan FORMAT.. kemudian pilih YES... ta raaaa... proses format akan berjalan... kalau sudah selesai, maka commi anda akan seperti baru kembali.

Catatan :
O ya... sebaiknya untuk MMC diremove dulu... dan kalo pengen diformat sebaiknya diformat secara tersendiri... ok...

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

rpm Command

rpm -U<*.rpm>

rpm -e

rpm -V

#all information
rpm -qa

#packages information
rpm -q

#packages owner
rpm -qf

#packages and file information
rpm -qilp

rpm -qc rpm -qcp

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[ indonesian translation ]

Perintah rpm

rpm -U<*.rpm>

rpm -e

#cek paket
rpm -V

#semua informasi
rpm -qa

#informasi paket
rpm -q

#informasi pemilik paket
rpm -qf

#informasi paket dan file
rpm -qilp

rpm -qc rpm -qcp

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"