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Showing posts with label security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label security. Show all posts

How to Prepare Linux for Daily Activities

#step 1
Create and Configure User Account
*suggest users to make complicated password at least 8 characters  
*enable shadow to avoid storing password in text mod
*do not use chsh command to modify /bin/false (it will prevent hacker to control system by default account for login)
*make sure that there is no account using ID nol and prevent login access remotely without password (configure file .rhost or /etc/host.equiv)

#step 2
Secure Root Access
*login without root
*use root access for administration only
*edit /etc/security and add # in the beginning of rows
*disable telnet
*edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to prevent SSH login
*set umask root to 077 (read, write, execute just for root) or 022 (for user)

 Read more »

SmadAV 8.9

Name : SmadAV [ download ] [ help ]
Version : 8.9
Date : -
Size : 738.65 KB
License : Free
OS : Windows
Category : Security, Anti Virus, Tools
Dev :
Desc :
Anti virus

Ref :

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

Trace and Anti Trace

flexyspy [ ]
desc : call, sms
prc : 150 uer

voxtrack personal [ ]
desc : call, install on hp
prc : 14,95 uer

mobile-spy [ ]
desc : call, sms, gps
prc : -

smsanywhere [ ]
desc : sms, install on hp
prc : -

[anti trace]
cellcrypt [ ]
desc : call convertion
prc : -

flexyshield [ ]
desc : call
prc : -

http:// [secure gsm]
desc : call
prc : -

fortress sms [ ]
desc : sms
prc : -

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

Anti Netcut in Ubuntu

download antinetcut application
extract downloaded file
next.. open terminal (Applications - Accessories - Terminal)
log in as root or super user
   haansspot@haansspot-K40IN:~$ sudo su
   [sudo] password for haansspot:
go to extracted folder
   root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot# cd Downloads/antinetcut
to run antinetcut
   root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ start
antinetcut status command
   root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ status
to stop antinetcut
   root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ stop

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]

Anti Netcut di Ubuntu

download aplikasi antinetcut
extract file yang udah didownload
selanjutnya buka terminal (Applications - Accessories - Terminal)
masuk sebagai root atau super user
   haansspot@haansspot-K40IN:~$ sudo su
   [sudo] password for haansspot:
masuk ke folder yang udah diextract
   root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot# cd Downloads/antinetcut
jalankan antinetcut
   root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ start
untuk mengetahui status antinetcut
   root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ status
untuk menghentikan antinetcut
   root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ stop

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

Scret Code for Blackberry

#Key Status
Settings | Advanced Options | Enter MEPD for SIM CARD

#Signal Strength (disable radio before doing this tricks)
Alt + N,M,L,L

#Address book verification
Alt + V,A,L,D

#Data Structure
Alt + R,B,L,D

#Web Page Code
Alt + R,B,L,D

Alt + Shift + H

#Check IMEI

Alt + Shift + Del

#History Log (Recent Activities)
Alt + L,G,L,G

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

Secret Code for Sony Ericsson

*#06# : Check IMEI
*#7465625*12*xxxxxxxx# : where xxxxxxxx is unlock code
*#7465625*XX*xxxxxxxx# : where xxxxxxxx is sim code and where XX means :
 - 12 for NCK lock
 - 22 for Provider Lock
 - 32 for Network Lock
 - 42 for SIM code Lock
 - 52 for Subset Lock
 - 62 for Corporate Lock
 - 72 for IMSI Personal
 - 99 for IMSI Range
*#9275625*11*xxxxxxxx# : where xxxxxxxx is Wap code
*#00xx# : change the language (xx is your country code, Indoneisa : 62, English: 00 )
*#0000000# : reset language to default
*#7465625 : display SIM Lock Status
*#7353273# : display Firmware Version
*#78737322867973738# : Super Factory Reset
*#73287489263373738# : reset Security Code to default (0000)
*09*(PIN Code)# : activate PIN Code
#09*(PIN Code)# : disable PIN Code
left * * left : information about SIMLOCK
right * left left * left * : services information, software information, LCD test, Vibration test, MIC test, etc
0# : last calls list
* * 04 * 0000 * 0000 * 0000 # : opening phone without SIM card, after wrong PIN appears, press NO then enter the code

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

Secret Code for Nokia

* *#06# : check IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
* *#7780# : reset to factory setting
* *#67705646# : cleaning LCD.
* *#0000# : software version.
* *#2820# : Bluetooth address.
* *#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.
* *#62209526# : MAC address from WLAN adapter
* #pw+1234567890+1# : forwarding call status
*#92702689# : Serial Number, date and year made, last repair date
*#3370# : Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation (enhancing signal)
*#3370* : (EFR) deactivation
*#4720# : Half Rate Codec activation.
*#4720* : Half Rate Codec deactivation.
*#7370925538# reset wallet code for Nokia S60 (12345)
*#3925538# : deleting wallet contents
*#7328748263373738# : reset phone security code to default (12345)

to unlock service provider : 
insert sim, switch on phone then press volume button for 3 seconds, enter PIN, press C, then press *, press * again and 04*PIN*PIN*PIN#

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

Lockpc Shortcut

rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

Nokia Communicator Remote Locking

Select Desk | Tools | Control panel | Security | Telephone security.
On Device lock change Allow remote locking then press Yes.
Enter remote code then OK.
In Remote locking message dialog, enter message to lock the phone
follow the wizard | Done.

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[ indonesian translation ]

Mengunci Jarak Jauh Nokia Communicator

pilih Desk | Tools | Control panel | Security | Telephone security.
pada Device lock ubah Allow remote locking terus pilih Yes.
masukan kode remote terus OK.
pada Remote locking message dialog, masukkan pesan untuk mengunci desktop
konfirmasi lagi terus Done.

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"