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How to Run Android in Ubuntu (emulation)

since Google announced the release of android .. approximately October 2008, all know .. if this operating system is going to be the best operating system for mobile.
not open source but also because of the rather SDK support helps the developers.

enough for introduction.. to the point just now .. :)

The first .. download SDK file for Android at
next .. make sure java is already installed .. if not yet follow these steps ..
select System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager

in the search field type "OpenJDK" and then double click on "OpenJDK-6-jre"
for x86_64 machine user typ in the search field "ia32-libs" and then double click "ia32-libs"
or choose the another method "Mark for Installation "
whatever .. the important is two things above should be installed .. :)

now we are going into the SDK for Android ...
1. extract the SDK
files for Android
2. go into folder "Tools"
3. double-click the file "Android"
4. select "Run"
5. window "Android SDK" and "AVD Manager" will appear
6. select "Settings"
7. in the "Misc" check "Force https ://..." then "Save & Apply"
8. Now we are going into menu "Installed Packages" then select "Update All" then "Install Accepted" ..
This installation process takes quite a long time .. so wait or listen to music while watching ..
not yet ..??? he he .. if its done .. close the windows update .. then all the updated files will be visible ..
Well .. This what we have been waiting for ..
Now we will create a "virtual device" .. 

1. select the "Virtual Devices" then "New"
2. give the name "hans-android"
3. select the target (Android System)
4. specify the size to "SD Card "
5. add the "Hardware"
6. click on "Create AVD"
wait about 1 minute .. until notification of the results of the emulator that we make comes .. :)
7. click "Start"and then"Launch" .. hoooreeey .. emulator is ready .. :)

# 1 emulator shortcut
to facilitate access to the Android Emulator we created a shortcut on the desktop ..
how ... is ...
1. Right click "Desktop" choose "Create Launcher"
2. give the name "Android Emulator"
3. on the command input "/ home/USERNAME/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/emulator @ hans-laptop (replace USERNAME in accordance with our property, @ hans-adjust laptop with virtual machine)
4. to "Icon" select according to taste .. :)
# 2 run applications on Android
1. double-click the new shortcut you created .. wait until android appears on your desktop
2. when the android has appeared please run an application or try to install the application
# 3 applications installation
1. open browser in android
2. navigate to the google search engine
3. look for android application
4. install
5. run applications
ok .. This first .. See you later .. with a new trick n tips .. he he ..
may be useful .. :)

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[ indonesian translation ]

Bagaimana Cara Menjalankan Android di Ubuntu (Emulasi)

sejak google mengumumkan n me-release android.. kalo gak salah oktober 2008, semua tahu kalo sistem operasi bakalan digadang-gadang sebagai sistem operasi terbaik untuk mobile.
bukan juga karena open source tapi dukungan SDK yang lumayan membantu para developer.
dah cukup basa basinya.. sekarang ke pointnya aja.. :)

pertama ambil dulu file SDK for android di
selanjutnya.. pastikan java sudah terinstall.. kalo lum ikuti langkah berikut..
System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager
pada bagian search ketikan "openjdk" terus dobel klik "openjdk-6-jre"
selain itu untuk pengguna mesin x86_64 pada bagian search ketikan kembali "ia32-libs" terus dobel klik "ia32-libs"
ato bisa juga dengan memilih metode "Mark for Installation"
apa ja dech.. yang penting dua hal diatas harus diinstall.. :)
sekarang kita ke SDK for android...
1. extract file SDK for Android
2. masuk ke folder "Tools"
3. dobel klik file "Android"
4. pilih "Run"
5. jendela "Android SDK" dan "AVD Manager" akan muncul
6. pilih "Settings"
7. pada bagian "Misc" centang "Force https://..." selanjutnya "Save & Apply"
8. Sekarang ke menu "Installed Packages" kemudian pilih "Update All" selanjutnya "Install Accepted"..
proses install ini memakan waktu lumayan lama.. jadi tunggu aja sambil nonton ato dengerin musik..
udah lum..??? he he.. kalo udah.. tutup update window.. maka semua file yang diupdate akan kelihatan..
Nah.. ini dia yang ditunggu-tunggu.. (kereta kalee.. :)..)
sekarang kita akan buat "virtual Device"..
1. pilih "Virtual Devices" selanjutnya pilih "New"
2. beri nama "hans-android"
3. pilih target (Android System)
4. tentukan ukuran untuk "SD Card"
5. tambahkan "Hardware" yang ingin dimiliki pada emulator
6. klik "Create AVD"
tunggu kira-kira 1 menit.. sampai ada notifikasi hasil dari emulator yang kita buat.. :)
7. klik "Start" terus "Launch".. hoooreeey.. emulator dah jadi.. :)

#1 emulator shortcut
untuk mempermudah akses ke Android Emulator kita buatin shorcut di desktop..
caranya... aaaadalah...
1. klik kanan "Desktop" pilih "Create Launcher"
2. beri nama "Android Emulator"
3. pada bagian command masukan "/home/USERNAME/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/emulator @hans-laptop (ganti USERNAME sesuai dengan milik kita, @hans-laptop sesuaikan dgn virtual machine)
4. untuk "Icon" pilih suka-suka dech.. :)
#2 menjalankan aplikasi di Android
1. dobel klik shortcut yang baru kita buat tunggu sampai android masuk desktop
2. ketika android dah muncul silahkan jalanin aplikasi atau coba menginstall aplikasi
#3 instalasi aplikasi
1. buka browser yang ada di android
2. arahkan ke google search engine
3. cari aplikasi android
4. install
5. jalankan aplikasi
ok dech.. ini dulu.. ntar sambung lagi.. dengan tips n trick yang baru.. he he..
semoga bermanfaat.. :) 

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information" 

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