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14 Steps To Accelerate Web Access

There is a way to speed up your web pages. This method has been tested in several popular sites on the Internet and managed to reduce the response time is 25-50 percent faster times.

The best trial is the realization of 10-20 percent in order to reduce the response time of the end of the HTML document in the browser. You need to focus on the 80-90 percent if you want to make the page more quickly. This can only be the fastest way if the server and your browser is already optimal. Server and 80-90 percent of the browser role your Web access speed.

Management of our website aims to show the best. Each way also contains a link to the Yahoo! Developer Network Performance Blog. There you will find a number of ways with his comments.

Method 1 - Create a display HTTP requests
Method 2 - Use a Content Delivery Network
Method 3 - Add Expires Header
Method 4 - Gzip Components
Method 5 - Put Stylesheets at the top
Method 6 - Put Scripts at the bottom
Method 7 - Avoid CSS expressions
Method 8 - Make JavaScript and CSS External
Method 9 - Reduce DNS Lookups
Method 10 - Use the minimum necessary JavaScript
Method 11 - Avoid Redirects
Method 12 - Remove double Scripts
Method 13 - Configure ETags
Method 14 - Create AJAX Cacheable

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]

14 Langkah Mempercepat Akses Website 

Ada cara agar bisa mempercepat halaman web anda. Cara ini telah diuji disejumlah situs populer di Internet dan berhasil mengurangi waktu respon 25-50 persen kali lebih cepat.

Percobaan terbaik merupakan realisasi dari 10-20 persen respon waktu akhir agar menggurangi dokumen HTML pada browser. Anda perlu berfokus pada 80-90 persen lainnya jika anda ingin membuat halaman lebih cepat. Ini hanya bisa menjadi jalan tercepat apabila server dan browser anda memang sudah optimal. Server dan browser memegang peran 80-90 persen kecepatan akses web anda.

Pengelolaan halaman bertujuan menampilkan situs web terbaik. Setiap cara juga berisi link ke Yahoo! Developer Network Performance Blog. Di sana anda akan menemukan sejumlah cara dengan komentarnya.

Cara 1 - Buat tampilan permintaan HTTP
Cara 2 - Gunakan Content Delivery Network
Cara 3 - Tambahkan Expires Header
Cara 4 - Komponen Gzip
Cara 5 - Letakan Stylesheets di atas
Cara 6 - Tempatkan Scripts di bawah
Cara 7 - Hindari ekspresi CSS
Cara 8 - Buat JavaScript dan CSS External
Cara 9 - Kurangi DNS Lookups
Cara 10 - Gunakan seminim mungkin JavaScript
Cara 11 - Hindari Redirects
Cara 12 - Buang Scripts ganda
Cara 13 - Konfigurasi ETags
Cara 14 - Buat AJAX Cacheable

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

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