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Winamp 5.62

Name : Winamp [ download ] [ help ]
Version : 5.62
Date : 30 June 2011
Size : 12 MB
License : Free
OS : Windows
Category : Tools, Audios
Dev : Winamp
Desc :
Audio, Music, Video Player

Ref :

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

How to Accelerate Shut Down Process

HKLM - system - currentcontrolset - control
waittokillservicetimeout = change it to lower than 2000

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]

Mempercepat Proses Shut Down

HKLM - system - currentcontrolset - control
waittokillservicetimeout = ubah nilai lebih rendah dari 2000

"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information" 

How to Make Linux Live CD (Suse Studio)

1. open | create account | sign in
2. enter e-mail address | request invitation
3. choose the reasons | send my invitation sooner
4. wait for reply | open e-mail | open the link
5. choose the ID (exp: yahoo) | agree
6. write display name | continue

#making distro
1. choose a base template
2. select architecture | enter name your appliance
3. select software tab | customize your packages
4. select configuration tab | customize
5. general | time zone | users and groups
6. personalize | upload new logo | upload new background | preview
7. go to startup | edit EULA (end user license agreement)
9. select build tab | choose the format

1. test drive (flash)
2. download

1. burn ISO
2. run CD (live CD) or install,
3. on desktop | live installer | cutomize YaST
4. disk | partition based | create partition setup | custom partitioning
5. expand tree hardisk | choose partition (exp: dev/sda5)
6. format partition | choose file system (ext3) | mount partition | /root
7. back | accept | formatting.......
8. enter username and password for root
9. install
11.GRUB | choose your OS

1. from windows desktop
2. start | administrative tools | computer management | storage | disk management | choose linux partition | delete volume
3. insert windows vista CD | system recovery options | startup repair | restart 

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]

Bagaimana Cara Membuat Linux Live CD (Suse Studio)

1. open | create account | sign in
2. enter e-mail address | request invitation
3. choose the reasons | send my invitation sooner
4. wait for reply | open e-mail | open the link
5. choose the ID (exp: yahoo) | agree
6. write display name | continue

#membuat distro
1. choose a base template
2. select architecture | enter name your appliance
3. select software tab | customize your packages
4. select configuration tab | customize
5. general | time zone | users and groups
6. personalize | upload new logo | upload new background | preview
7. go to startup | edit EULA (end user license agreement)
9. select build tab | choose the format

1. test drive (flash)
2. download

1. burn ISO
2. run CD (live CD) or install,
3. on desktop | live installer | cutomize YaST
4. disk | partition based | create partition setup | custom partitioning
5. expand tree hardisk | choose partition (exp: dev/sda5)
6. format partition | choose file system (ext3) | mount partition | /root
7. back | accept | formatting.......
8. enter username and password for root
9. install
11.GRUB | choose your OS

#menghapus (uninstall)
1. from windows desktop
2. start | administrative tools | computer management | storage | disk management | choose linux partition | delete volume
3. insert windows vista CD | system recovery options | startup repair | restart 

"letz share coz i only ask for information"

How to Install Yahoo! Messenger plus Webcam in Ubuntu

to use Yahoo! Messenger plus webcam we must install "Gyachi". 
Let's try the installation steps.. :)
#step 1
edit source.list
$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list

#step 2
add this into source list:
deb karmic main
deb-src karmic main
and add its gpg key
$ sudo apt-key adv -recv-keys -keyserver 0xc23b005d874996dc8d03a3c0d0d3c959db2035a6

#step 3
update apt:
$ sudo apt-get update

#step 4
install Gyachi
$ sudo apt-get install gyachi

#step 5
run Gyachi from Applications > Internet > GYaChE Improved

#step 6
to activate webcam.. please install "cheese"
$ sudo apt-get install cheese

#step 7
don't forget to update apt... ok.. :)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]

Bagaimana Cara Instal Yahoo! Messenger Plus Webcam di Ubuntu

Untuk dapat menggunakan "Yahoo! Messenger" plus webcam ada aplikasi yang bernama "Gyachi". 
Yuk.. kita coba step-stepnya.. :)
#step 1
sebelumnya, editlah dahulu source.list
$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list

#step 2
kemudian tambahkan baris berikut:
deb karmic main
deb-src karmic main
Kemudian tambahkan gpg key-nya:
$ sudo apt-key adv -recv-keys -keyserver 0xc23b005d874996dc8d03a3c0d0d3c959db2035a6

#step 3
Setelah itu, update apt:
$ sudo apt-get update

#step 4
Setelah terupdate, install paket gyachi dengan menggunakan perintah:
$ sudo apt-get install gyachi

#step 5
Setelah terinstall, jalankan Gyachi melalui menu "Applications | Internet | GYaChE Improved"

#step 6
Untuk aktivasi webcam silahkan install "cheese"
$ sudo apt-get install cheese

#step 7
jangan lupa update apt... ok.. :)
"letz share coz i only ask for information"

How to Install VGA Driver (NVIDIA GEFORCE G102M) for Notebook (Asus K40IN) in Ubuntu

#step 1
download driver at
#step 2
enter text mode or press CTRL+ALT+F2
#step 3
log in as root or use sudo command
#step 4
turn off GDM "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"
#step 5
back to driver directory
#step 6
type "sudo sh"

#step 7
follow installation wizard
#step 8
wait until finish
#step 9
type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" to return to the desktop

notes :
please restart computer to optimize driver installation

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]

Bagaimana Cara Install Driver VGA (NVIDIA GEFORCE G102M) pada Notebook (Asus K40IN) di Ubuntu

#step 1
pertama download paket driver di
#step 2
masuk ke text mode dengan menekan CTRL+ALT+F2
#step 3
setelah itu masuk dengan root ato gunakan perintah sudo
#step 4
matikan GDM dengan mengetik "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"
#step 5
setelah itu kembali ke directory dimana file driver disimpan
#step 6
selanjutnya ketikan "sudo sh"
#step 7
ikuti langkah-langkah dalam instalation wizard
#step 8
setelah proses wizard selesai maka akan kembali ke terminal
#step 9
ketikan "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" maka desktop akan tampil kembali
    sebaiknya restart agar mendapatkan hasil yang lebih maksimal

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information" 

    How to Activate 3D Cube Desktop in Ubuntu

    #Step 1
    Select "System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager" on search field.. type "compizconfig-settings-manager."
    #Step 2
    Install "compizconfig-settings-manager."
    #Step 3
    Select System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effect Settings
    #Step 4
    Select "Rotate Cube"
    Actually.. there are many options to enhance your desktop effect.. so please.. feel free to explore it.. :)

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara Aktivasi 3D Cube Desktop in Ubuntu

    #Step 1
    pilih "System" terus "Administration" terus "Synaptic Package Manager." kemudian cari pada bagian kolom pencarian "compizconfig-settings-manager."
    #Step 2
    Install "compizconfig-settings-manager."
    #Step 3
    pilih "System" terus "Preferences" dan terakhir pilih "Advanced Desktop Effect Settings"
    #Step 4
    pilih "Rotate Cube"
    sebenarnya masih banyak opsi untuk memperindah desktop di compiz.. jadi silahkan explorasi sendiri.. ok.. :)

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information" 

    How to Activate KDE Desktop in Ubuntu (Screenshot)

    sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
    root@hans-laptop:~# apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    ... ... ...
    ... ... ...
    Need to get 120MB/163MB of archives.
    After this operation, 667MB of additional disk space will be used.
    Do you want to continue [Y/n]?

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information" 

    How to Activate Screenlets in Ubuntu

    the clock at the top of desktop is one of screenlets
    if you want this widget like Windows 7 widget.. add components from screenlets manager.. 

    to activate this application..please.. follow steps bellow..
    #step 1
    as usual.. update repository
       sudo apt-get update
    #step 2
    install application
       sudo apt-get install screenlets
    #step 3
    config as you want.. finish.. :)

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    How to Activate Screenlets in Ubuntu

    gambar jam di pojok kanan atas adalah salah satu screenlets.. 
    kalo mau widget seperti di windows 7 silahkan menambahkannya dari screenlets manager..

    upz.. ampe lupa ngasih tahu caranya.. he he.. :)
    #step 1
    seperti biasa update dulu dgn perintah "sudo apt-get update"
    #step 2
    selanjutnya install dgn perintah "sudo apt-get install screenlets"
    #step 3
    konfigurasi sesuai selera.. jadi dech.. :)

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information" 

    How to Activate Webcam in Ubuntu

     $ sudo apt-get install cheese

    after installation, open application from Applications > Sound & Videos > Cheese Webcam Booth

    do not be surprised if the image inverted.. to make normal view.. select effect.. then configure it as you want.. :)

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara Aktivasi Webcam di Ubuntu

       $ sudo apt-get install cheese

    Setelah terinstall, bukalah melalui menu "Applications > Sound & Videos > Cheese Webcam Booth". 

    Jangan terkejut jika tampilan pertamanya terbalik. Caranya, pilih efek yang sesuai untuk membuatnya tampil normal. :)

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information" 

    How to Check Compiz Compatibility in Ubuntu

    Download compiz-check
       wget -O compiz-check
    make it executable
       chmod +x compiz-check
    run compiz-check

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara Mengecek Kompatibilitas Compiz di Ubuntu

    Download compiz-check
       wget -O compiz-check
    kemudian buat menjadi executable
       chmod +x compiz-check
    setelah itu jalankan compiz-check

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information" 

    How to Run Android in Ubuntu (emulation)

    since Google announced the release of android .. approximately October 2008, all know .. if this operating system is going to be the best operating system for mobile.
    not open source but also because of the rather SDK support helps the developers.

    enough for introduction.. to the point just now .. :)

    The first .. download SDK file for Android at
    next .. make sure java is already installed .. if not yet follow these steps ..
    select System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager

    in the search field type "OpenJDK" and then double click on "OpenJDK-6-jre"
    for x86_64 machine user typ in the search field "ia32-libs" and then double click "ia32-libs"
    or choose the another method "Mark for Installation "
    whatever .. the important is two things above should be installed .. :)

    now we are going into the SDK for Android ...
    1. extract the SDK
    files for Android
    2. go into folder "Tools"
    3. double-click the file "Android"
    4. select "Run"
    5. window "Android SDK" and "AVD Manager" will appear
    6. select "Settings"
    7. in the "Misc" check "Force https ://..." then "Save & Apply"
    8. Now we are going into menu "Installed Packages" then select "Update All" then "Install Accepted" ..
    This installation process takes quite a long time .. so wait or listen to music while watching ..
    not yet ..??? he he .. if its done .. close the windows update .. then all the updated files will be visible ..
    Well .. This what we have been waiting for ..
    Now we will create a "virtual device" .. 

    1. select the "Virtual Devices" then "New"
    2. give the name "hans-android"
    3. select the target (Android System)
    4. specify the size to "SD Card "
    5. add the "Hardware"
    6. click on "Create AVD"
    wait about 1 minute .. until notification of the results of the emulator that we make comes .. :)
    7. click "Start"and then"Launch" .. hoooreeey .. emulator is ready .. :)

    # 1 emulator shortcut
    to facilitate access to the Android Emulator we created a shortcut on the desktop ..
    how ... is ...
    1. Right click "Desktop" choose "Create Launcher"
    2. give the name "Android Emulator"
    3. on the command input "/ home/USERNAME/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/emulator @ hans-laptop (replace USERNAME in accordance with our property, @ hans-adjust laptop with virtual machine)
    4. to "Icon" select according to taste .. :)
    # 2 run applications on Android
    1. double-click the new shortcut you created .. wait until android appears on your desktop
    2. when the android has appeared please run an application or try to install the application
    # 3 applications installation
    1. open browser in android
    2. navigate to the google search engine
    3. look for android application
    4. install
    5. run applications
    ok .. This first .. See you later .. with a new trick n tips .. he he ..
    may be useful .. :)

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara Menjalankan Android di Ubuntu (Emulasi)

    sejak google mengumumkan n me-release android.. kalo gak salah oktober 2008, semua tahu kalo sistem operasi bakalan digadang-gadang sebagai sistem operasi terbaik untuk mobile.
    bukan juga karena open source tapi dukungan SDK yang lumayan membantu para developer.
    dah cukup basa basinya.. sekarang ke pointnya aja.. :)

    pertama ambil dulu file SDK for android di
    selanjutnya.. pastikan java sudah terinstall.. kalo lum ikuti langkah berikut..
    System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager
    pada bagian search ketikan "openjdk" terus dobel klik "openjdk-6-jre"
    selain itu untuk pengguna mesin x86_64 pada bagian search ketikan kembali "ia32-libs" terus dobel klik "ia32-libs"
    ato bisa juga dengan memilih metode "Mark for Installation"
    apa ja dech.. yang penting dua hal diatas harus diinstall.. :)
    sekarang kita ke SDK for android...
    1. extract file SDK for Android
    2. masuk ke folder "Tools"
    3. dobel klik file "Android"
    4. pilih "Run"
    5. jendela "Android SDK" dan "AVD Manager" akan muncul
    6. pilih "Settings"
    7. pada bagian "Misc" centang "Force https://..." selanjutnya "Save & Apply"
    8. Sekarang ke menu "Installed Packages" kemudian pilih "Update All" selanjutnya "Install Accepted"..
    proses install ini memakan waktu lumayan lama.. jadi tunggu aja sambil nonton ato dengerin musik..
    udah lum..??? he he.. kalo udah.. tutup update window.. maka semua file yang diupdate akan kelihatan..
    Nah.. ini dia yang ditunggu-tunggu.. (kereta kalee.. :)..)
    sekarang kita akan buat "virtual Device"..
    1. pilih "Virtual Devices" selanjutnya pilih "New"
    2. beri nama "hans-android"
    3. pilih target (Android System)
    4. tentukan ukuran untuk "SD Card"
    5. tambahkan "Hardware" yang ingin dimiliki pada emulator
    6. klik "Create AVD"
    tunggu kira-kira 1 menit.. sampai ada notifikasi hasil dari emulator yang kita buat.. :)
    7. klik "Start" terus "Launch".. hoooreeey.. emulator dah jadi.. :)

    #1 emulator shortcut
    untuk mempermudah akses ke Android Emulator kita buatin shorcut di desktop..
    caranya... aaaadalah...
    1. klik kanan "Desktop" pilih "Create Launcher"
    2. beri nama "Android Emulator"
    3. pada bagian command masukan "/home/USERNAME/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/emulator @hans-laptop (ganti USERNAME sesuai dengan milik kita, @hans-laptop sesuaikan dgn virtual machine)
    4. untuk "Icon" pilih suka-suka dech.. :)
    #2 menjalankan aplikasi di Android
    1. dobel klik shortcut yang baru kita buat tunggu sampai android masuk desktop
    2. ketika android dah muncul silahkan jalanin aplikasi atau coba menginstall aplikasi
    #3 instalasi aplikasi
    1. buka browser yang ada di android
    2. arahkan ke google search engine
    3. cari aplikasi android
    4. install
    5. jalankan aplikasi
    ok dech.. ini dulu.. ntar sambung lagi.. dengan tips n trick yang baru.. he he..
    semoga bermanfaat.. :) 

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information" 

    How to Add Applications on AWN in Ubuntu

    to add applications on AWN 
    just drag and drop from application menu or from nautilus

    location :

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara Menambah Aplikasi pada AWN di Ubuntu

    Untuk menambahkan aplikasi ke dermaga AWN..
    hanya drag dan drop ikon dari menu Aplikasi atau dari Nautilus

    lokasi : 


    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information" 

    How to Download Youtube Video in Ubuntu

    #step 1
    go to
    #step 2
    choose video that would be downloaded
    #step 3
    let it finish downloading the entire video
    #step 4
    open file manager then go to folder "File System\tmp"
    #step 5
    copy video to video folder.. finish.. :)

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara Download Video Youtube di Ubuntu

    #step 1
    pertama.. masuk aja ke situs
    #step 2
    terus pilih video yang mau didownload
    #step 3
    biarkan sampai youtube selesai mendownload seluruh video
    #step 4
    buka file manager kemudian masuk ke folder "File System" selanjutnya ke folder "tmp"
    #step 5
    terakhir copy video ke folder video.. selesai dech.. :)

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information"

    How to Change Computer Name in Ubuntu (Hostname)

    Open terminal then type the following command bellow

      haansspot@haansspot-K40IN:~$ sudo gedit /etc/hostname

    next .. text editor will appear containing the name of the computer .. change it as you want .. Do not forget to save .. then exit the editor and the last... restart computer

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara Mengganti Nama Komputer di Ubuntu (Hostname)

    buka terminal selanjutnya ketik perintah di bawah ini

       haansspot@haansspot-K40IN:~$ sudo gedit /etc/hostname

    selanjutnya.. akan muncul text editor yang berisi nama komputer.. ubah dech.. sesuai keinginan.. jangan lupa save.. trus keluar dari editor dan yang terakhir.. restart komputer

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information"

    Anti Netcut in Ubuntu

    download antinetcut application
    extract downloaded file
    next.. open terminal (Applications - Accessories - Terminal)
    log in as root or super user
       haansspot@haansspot-K40IN:~$ sudo su
       [sudo] password for haansspot:
    go to extracted folder
       root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot# cd Downloads/antinetcut
    to run antinetcut
       root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ start
    antinetcut status command
       root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ status
    to stop antinetcut
       root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ stop

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Anti Netcut di Ubuntu

    download aplikasi antinetcut
    extract file yang udah didownload
    selanjutnya buka terminal (Applications - Accessories - Terminal)
    masuk sebagai root atau super user
       haansspot@haansspot-K40IN:~$ sudo su
       [sudo] password for haansspot:
    masuk ke folder yang udah diextract
       root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot# cd Downloads/antinetcut
    jalankan antinetcut
       root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ start
    untuk mengetahui status antinetcut
       root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ status
    untuk menghentikan antinetcut
       root@haansspot-K40IN:/home/haansspot/Downloads/antinetcut# ./ stop

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information"

    .zip, .rar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 in Ubuntu (Console)

       $ unzip .zip
    if it doesn't work it means rar is not installed yet
    install rar with following command bellow.
       $ sudo apt-get install unrar
    then how to run rar command
       $ unrar .rar
       $ tar zxvf file_name.tar.gz
    to create tar.gz the command is
       $ tar cf .tar.gz file file file …
       $ tar jxvf .tar.bz2
    to create .tar.bz2 the command is
       $ tar jcvf .tar.bz2 file file file …

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    .zip, .rar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 di Ubuntu

       $ unzip .zip
    jika tidak bisa berarti unrar blm diinstall..
    maka intall aplikasinya dulu dengan perintah dibawah ini..
       $ sudo apt-get install unrar
    selanjutnya perintah rar seperti di bawah ini..
       $ unrar .rar
       $ tar zxvf nama file.tar.gz
    untuk membentuk .tar.gz perintahnya adalah..
       $ tar cf .tar.gz file file file …
       $ tar jxvf .tar.bz2
    untuk membentuk .tar.bz2 adalah
       $ tar jcvf .tar.bz2 file file file …

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information"

    How to Run 3D Desktop on Ubuntu

    Ubuntu offers a facility that can make the desktop more beautiful sight, namely the 3D Desktop. Desktop 3D facility is similar to features in Windows Vista AERO.

    To run this feature, on Ubuntu you can choose the menu System > Preferences > Appereance

    After that you can select the Visual Effects tab. Within that tab there are 3 options, namely:
     - None - No Desktop Effects (3D Desktop)
     - Normal - Run Desktop Effects with simple effects
     - Extra - Run Desktop Effects with full effect

    Please select according to your computer capabilities. If the option can be selected, then the 3D Desktop can already active.

    However, if it appears a message that Desktop Effects could not be in the switch, then you need to check whether your video card is adequate to use this feature. At least 64MB of memory on the VGA has been there. If not, you are required to buy a better VGA card. If you have an NVIDIA or ATI graphics card, you need to install the driver first. Please refer to the website of the hardware vendor.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara Menjalankan 3D Desktop di Ubuntu

    Distro Ubuntu menawarkan sebuah fasilitas yang bisa membuat desktop lebih indah terlihat, yaitu 3D Desktop. Fasilitas 3D Desktop ini hampir sama dengan fitur AERO pada Windows Vista.

    Untuk menjalankan fitur ini, pada Ubuntu anda dapat memilih menu System > Preferences > Appereance.
    Setelah itu anda dapat memilih tab Visual Effects. Di dalam tab tersebut terdapat 3 pilihan, yaitu :
     - None - Tanpa Desktop Effects (3D Desktop)
     - Normal - Jalankan Desktop Effects dengan efek yang sederhana
     - Extra - Jalankan Desktop Effects dengan efek yang lengkap

    Silahkan pilih sesuai dengan kemampuan komputer anda. Jika opsi bisa dipilih, maka 3D Desktop sudah bisa aktif.

    Namun, jika muncul pesan bahwa Desktop Effects tidak bisa di aktifkan, maka anda perlu mencek apakah video card anda sudah memadai untuk menggunakan fitur ini. Paling tidak 64MB memori pada VGA telah ada. Jika kurang, anda diharuskan membeli VGA Card yang lebih baik. Jika anda memiliki VGA card NVIDIA atau ATI, anda perlu menginstall drivernya terlebih dahulu. Silahkan merujuk ke website dari vendor hardware tersebut.

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information"

    How to Make Icon for URL (Favicon)

    Favicon is small icon at address bar url, it can be bookmark icon if the downloaded website has favicon, the size of favicon is 16 x 16 pixel

    How to add favicon to the website? just upload it to root directory with name "favicon.ico"

    or put HTML tag below between header

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara Membuat Icon pada URL (Favicon)

    Favicon adalah icon kecil yang ada di url address bar, bisa juga masuk dalam daftar bookmark jika kita mem bookmark suatu situs yang mempunyai Favicon, untuk ukurannya favicon sendiri adalah 16 x 16 pixel.

    Cara pemasangannya bisa anda Upload dan letakkan di direcrtory root  dengan nama "favicon.ico"

    atau bisa juga letakkan tag di bawah ini dalam header anda

    "letz share coz i only ask for information" 

    How to Put YM (Yahoo! Messenger) Status on Website

    Displaying the status of YM (Yahoo Messenger) on our website is very important, especially for Web sites that are engaged in the business, use it as a CS (Customer Support), if for community website... can be as a place to chat and so on.

    How to make YM status is very easy... just add HTML tag below 

    html : 
    a href="ymsgr:sendIM?haanssim"
    img src="" border="0"

    Where: "haanssim" is your Yahoo ID, Yahoo ID can be obtained if you have email in yahoo, if not ... just make a yahoo email soon ..

    Ex : if your yahoo email ID is then your YM ID is haanssim

    In the picture above shows two icons with different status .. the above shows online and the bottom offline

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Membuat Status YM (Yahoo! Messenger) di Website

    Menampilkan status YM (yahoo Messanger) di website kita sangatlah penting, terutama bagi website-website yang bergerak dalam bidang bisnis, gunanya ya sebagai CS (Customer Support), kalau untuk website community ya.. bisa sebagai tempat ngobrol dsb.

    Cara membuat status YM di website kita sangatlah mudah sekali kita tinggal lah menambahkan tag HTML berikut:

    html : 
    a href="ymsgr:sendIM?haanssim"
    img src="" border="0"

    Dimana: "haanssim" adalah ID Yahoo kamu, ID Yahoo dapat diperoleh jika anda mempunyai email di yahoo, jika tidak ... ya segera bikin saja email yahoo..
    Ex: jika email yahoo kamu, maka ID YM kamu adalah haanssim

    Pada gambar diatas terlihat 2 icon dengan status yang berbeda.. yang atas menunjukkan kalo user lagi online dan yang bawah offline 

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information"

    Youtube Video on Website

    Did you ever see a website with additional video from youtube? Hmm ... look good right? You can add it by adding an HTML script to embed the video, how?

    You go to

    1. Search videos you want
    2. After that copy the embed code
    3. Paste on your web page

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Menampilkan Video Youtube di Website

    Apakah anda pernah melihat suatu website dengan tambahan video dari youtube? Hmm... terlihat bagus kan? Anda bisa menambahkan nya dengan cara menambahkan script HTML embed video tersebut, caranya?
    Anda buka
    1. Search video yang anda inginkan
    2. Setelah  itu copy code embed nya
    3. Paste di halaman website anda

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information"

    Interlace Trick at Adobe Photoshop

    #step 1
    open object | new layer | new image 1x1pxl (trans) | fill | image | canvas size | new size 1x2 | ctrl+a | edit | define patern 

    #step 2
    return to object | edit | fill | content | use | patern mode | multiply | set opacity layer

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Trik Interlace di Adobe Photoshop

    #step 1
    buka object | new layer | new image 1x1pxl (trans) | fill | image | canvas size | new size 1x2 | ctrl+a | edit | define patern 

    #step 2
    kembali ke object | edit | fill | content | use | patern mode | multiply | set opacity layer

    "letz share coz i only ask for information"

    How to Root Android Phone

    What is root? for linux operating system user of course it's so friendly. Root or super user is account with full authorization to manage operating system so it has right to change, add, or delete system

    While.. rooting it self means.. how to change user to super user or root

    Here.. we want to share.. how to root android phone on samsung galaxy mini

    #step 1
    PC with windows xp operating system
    #step 2
    Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0+ , Microsoft .NET framework 4.0
    you can download them here or if you use Windows Vista or Windows 7 they are not necessary any more
    #step 3
    Data cable/micro USB
    #step 4
    Install kies software
    #step 5
    Make sure that the battery is full
    #step 6
    Unmount SD CARD
    #step 7
    Download root software here (SuperOneClick)

    Now.. we are going to next steps..
    #step 1
    Set android to ADB mode, select Setting > Applications > Development >
    Check USB Debugging
    #step 2
    Insert phone to PC and wait until driver installation is finished
    #step 3
    Run SuperOneClick then click root and wait until process is finished

    Now.. you can release the data cable.. then see your android phone.. if super user application with skull image appears then the installation is successful.. if it's not.. please restart your phone

    This tutorial is not just for samsung galaxy mini.. but you can practice to another phone.
    for other phones you can see here

    You can see the tutorial video for more understanding 

    Q :
    Does android phone need to root process?
    A :

    Q :
    What are the benefits of root process?
    A :
    System Modification, We can delete application in internal memory to resize internal memory capacity and so on

    Q :
    Does warranty not accept after root process?
    A :

    Q :
    Can we unroot the phone?
    A :

    Q :
    What are the risks?
    A :
    Some sources say that root process will eliminate warranty but if it is so.. just unroot the phone.. :)

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    [ indonesian translation ]

    Bagaimana Cara nge-Root Ponsel Android

    Apa sih root itu ? yang sudah terbiasa dengan system operasi berbasis linux tentu sudah familier dengan istilah root, root atau kadang di sebut superuser bisa di katakan account yang mempunyai kekuasaan penuh pada system operasi berbasis linux, artinya root mempunyai hak akses penuh untuk merubah, menambah, menghapus bahkan merusak system.

    Sedangkan Nge-root sendiri artinya adalah usaha untuk merubah user biasa agar bisa menjadi superuser atau root.

    Disini kami akan berbagi cara nge-root android phone, kali ini saya akan mencoba nge-root samsung android mini.

    #step 1
    Komputer dengan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows XP
    #step 2
    Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0+ , Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 yang bisa anda donwload disini atau jika anda menggunakan Windows Vista atau Windows 7 anda tidak perlu lagi install
    #step 3
    Kabel data/mikro USB
    #step 4
    Install software kies nya terlebih dahulu, software ini ada di sertakan dalam paket pembelian samsung android.
    #step 5
    Pastikan batrei terisi penuh.
    #step 6
    Pastikan sd card anda dalam kondisi unmount.
    #step 7
    Donwload software bantu untuk nge-root, kita akan menggunakan software bantu SuperOneClick bisa anda download disini
    Kalau persiapan di atas sudah di lakukan kita lanjut langkah-langkahnya.
    #step 1
    Setting android ke adb mode masuk ke setting > Applications > Development > Centang USB debugging.
    #step 2
    Pasang / Colok hp ke komputer , tunggu sampai install driver nya selesai.
    #step 3
    Jalankan file SuperOneClick.exe yang sudah di dowload tadi, setelah terbuka klik root , tunggu sampai selesai.

    Oke droids sekarang anda sudah bisa melepas kabel mikro usb, lihat di android anda kalau sudah ada aplikasi bernama superuser dengan gambar tengkorak berarti anda sudah berhasil nge-root android anda, jika tidak muncul coba restart handphone anda.

    Cara ini tidak hanya untuk handphone android samsung galaxy mini, tapi juga bisa di gunakan untuk merk yang lain. untuk lebih jelasnya android apa saja yang bisa di root dengan cara ini anda bisa langsung menuju kesini

    Kalau masih kurang paham juga bisa di simak video di bawah ini.

    #FAQ :

    Apakah semua android phone perlu di root?

    Tidak, tergantung kebutuhan saja, yang belum mengerti betul tentang android tidak di sarankan.

    Apa manfaat kalau android kita di root?

    Agar kita bisa bebas memodifikasi sistem nya, contoh
    Hapus-hapus aplikasi bawaan dari hape untuk menghemat memori internal.
    Memindahkan aplikasi yang hanya bisa disimpan di internal memory ke SD card, sehingga internal memory bisa lebih longgar.
    Kita bisa install aplikasi yang membutuhkan akses root.

    Apakah rooting dapat menghilangkan garansi?


    Apa bisa dikembalikan ke unroot lagi?


    Apa resikonya?

    Dari berbagai sumber ada yang bilang kalau nge-root android bisa menghilangkan garansi, ada juga sih yang bilang tidak ada pengaruh, kalau saja bisa menghilangkan garansi tinggal di unroot lagi kan.

    "curiosity is motivation"
    "letz share coz i only ask for information"